Dental Care

Healthy teeth do more for you than just give you a great smile. Keeping your teeth and gums in top condition is key, as they are the gateway to maintaining the overall health of your body. One way bacteria can enter your body is through your mouth. If your oral health is not properly maintained, bacteria can travel from your mouth to your respiratory and digestive systems.
Bacteria can also breed right in our mouths and cause oral diseases like tooth decay and periodontal disease. The inflammation bacteria cause can lead to inflammation elsewhere in the body. Periodontal disease can lead to cardiovascular and other issues, like heart disease and stroke.

What are the benefits of mouthwash?

The primary purpose of using a mouthwash product is to have fresher breath, but have you ever wondered if it can help prevent tooth decay or gum disease? While most mouthwashes freshen bad breath, some can help reduce gingivitis and plaque buildup by reducing the risk of tooth decay. Here are some of the benefits of mouthwash: find out below our Medz-Mouthwashes

1. Wash away particles while killing bacteria

Most people only use a mouth rinse when done brushing or flossing. However, there is a bonus to rinsing with mouthwash after you eat. It helps clear away any loose food particles. You can protect your oral health throughout the day while leaving your mouth clean and fresh.

2. Reduce the risk of plaque buildup

There are specific therapeutic mouthwashes on the market that can help prevent plaque growth on your teeth and gums. Plaque is a sticky substance that can accumulate on the surface and in the middle of teeth. Incorporating a daily mouth rinse can be another step in preventing plaque buildup for your dental health. However, a daily mouth rinse cannot help with a plaque that already exists so patients should make sure they brush and floss regularly.

3. Fight gum disease

Gum disease can cause red, tender, and swollen gums due to plaque buildup from food and bacteria left behind in your mouth. By regularly using an antibacterial or therapeutic mouthwash, you can be proactive in preventing this oral infection.

4. Reducing tooth decay

Using an oral rinse after brushing and flossing can help reduce the risk of developing cavities. Mouthwashes that contain fluoride can help strengthen your tooth enamel and prevent potential tooth decay. Before adding a daily mouthwash to your oral hygiene routine, check the label and make sure it contains fluoride.

5. Helps with canker sores

The most common reason to use mouthwash is to have fresher breath. With regular use, an oral rinse can also help with canker sores. A canker sore is a type of ulcer in the mouth. With everyday use of a therapeutic mouthwash, it can help them heal quicker.